AMCC - Alaska Marine Conservation Council
AMCC stands for Alaska Marine Conservation Council
Here you will find, what does AMCC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Alaska Marine Conservation Council? Alaska Marine Conservation Council can be abbreviated as AMCC What does AMCC stand for? AMCC stands for Alaska Marine Conservation Council. What does Alaska Marine Conservation Council mean?Alaska Marine Conservation Council is an expansion of AMCC
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Alternative definitions of AMCC
- ARTCC Maintenance Control Center
- Applied Micro Circuits Corporation
- ashore mobile contingency communications
- Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center
- Al Maha Ceramics Co.
- Atlantic Marine Corps Communities
- African Milling Company Congo
View 22 other definitions of AMCC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AON Alaska Oceans Network
- APEA/AFT Alaska Public Employees Association/AFT
- ARC Alaska Rainforest Campaign
- ASLC Alaska SeaLife Center
- ATRA Alaska Therapeutic Riding Association
- AWA Alaska Wildlife Alliance
- AWRC Alaska Women's Resource Center
- AAIDSAA Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association
- AAI Albanian Alps Institute
- AACL Albanian American Civic League
- AAWO Albanian American Women's Organization
- ACSE Albanian-Canadian Society of Edmonton
- AAHH Albany Area Habitat for Humanity
- ACAAUGBC Albany Capitals AAU Girls Basketball Club
- ACSAFEP Albany County SAFE Project
- APNC Albany Park Neighborhood Council
- APTP Albany Park Theater Project
- AHIPI Albemarle Housing Improvement Program, Inc.
- A&TLJPLT Albert & Temmy Latner Jewish Public Library of Toronto
- AECM Albert Einstein College of Medicine